April 11, 2011

Project 1

I know I called it project 2, but since I did it first it is now project 1. The Puzzle Frame. This was rather easy.

What You Will Need:

Mod Podge
Hot Glue Gun
Crafting knife
1 25 piece puzzle
6 Foam Boards (2 with sticky backs)
8 pipe cleaner

1.  Take the four boards without sticker baks and overlay them into a square just bigger than the puzzle. Use the crafting knife to remove the areas that lay on top of the next square. Each piece should form an L Shape.
2. Take the two sticker foam boards and remove the sticky side. Place them one on top of each other on the four foam pieces.
3. Put the puzzle together.

4. Apply two coats of mod podge, allowing the first two dry before applying the second. pply to foam pieces with a hot glue gun.

5. Take two pieces of pipe cleaner and wrap them together. Do this with the six remaining pipe cleaners. Take a hot glue gun and apply the four intertwined pipe cleaners making a frame around the puzzke.

An you are now done. You can do this with any simply puzzle, it can go in the kids room or wherever the design matches.

I Got a Stash Buster Package.

I went to the mailbox today and there was a key in it I was all Hrmmm. When I opened it there was A box in it from dollarcrafts.com. Yaaaayyy. After the excitment, I was all what am I going to do with it. As I opened the box, the first thing I saw was a sweater.  So project 1 is gonna be a doggie sweater. Then I had to go to Bunko showed it to my friend Kera and I was all I don't know what I am going to do. We looked at the duct tape and throught, Hrmm, we could try a duct tape wallet. Well, I got home pulled it out, toolk pics and decided I had several projects here. Project 2 a puzzle picture frame. Project 3, a purse???, Project three a unique easter basket made of pantyhose. Project 4, have to do soomething with the glasses. So for now that's where I stand.

Here is what  I got: