April 11, 2011

I Got a Stash Buster Package.

I went to the mailbox today and there was a key in it I was all Hrmmm. When I opened it there was A box in it from dollarcrafts.com. Yaaaayyy. After the excitment, I was all what am I going to do with it. As I opened the box, the first thing I saw was a sweater.  So project 1 is gonna be a doggie sweater. Then I had to go to Bunko showed it to my friend Kera and I was all I don't know what I am going to do. We looked at the duct tape and throught, Hrmm, we could try a duct tape wallet. Well, I got home pulled it out, toolk pics and decided I had several projects here. Project 2 a puzzle picture frame. Project 3, a purse???, Project three a unique easter basket made of pantyhose. Project 4, have to do soomething with the glasses. So for now that's where I stand.

Here is what  I got:

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